More and more people are joining the remote work lifestyle, and it’s a fantastic thing! There are TONS of incredible benefits that come with it.
You get to set your own schedule, you can work when you want to, and you can do it ALL from the comfort of your own home. In your PJs. Yes, please!
But many people have NO IDEA where to start their remote work journey. It also doesn’t help that there are a million and one courses available to you on the internet.
How do you know which one is the right fit for you?
If you’ve already signed up for a few courses and they didn’t work out, you’re probably thinking, “What makes 90 Day VA any better?”
I get it. Once you’ve invested your time and energy towards a course that you had to shovel out money for and it didn’t work out, it’s natural to become hesitant to buy another.
People see 90 Day VA and think:
- Can I join with no experience?
- Can I do 90 Day VA while working my full-time job?
- English isn’t my first language. Can I still do this?
- I really want to join, but I’m nervous!
- How do I know this isn’t a scam?
The answer is yes, yes, and yes.
But what makes my course unique from other online courses? I’ll give you 4 reasons:

1. Portfolio Mentorship
What good is a course if you don’t put what you’ve learned to the test? This is why I’ve included homework assignments after specific modules within 90 Day VA.
It’s these assignments that you can later include into your virtual assistant portfolio when applying for REAL, online jobs.
But sometimes, it’s hard to know if you’re on the right track or doing the assignment the right way.
While my students have the opportunity to ask for feedback in our Members-Only Facebook Group, having access to a real-life mentor is hugely beneficial.
As you sign up to join 90 Day VA, you have the option to add on portfolio mentorship to your purchase.
This allows you to work 1-on-1 with a seasoned mentor to help make your portfolio TOP NOTCH and make sure yours sticks out from the rest.
Students with portfolio mentorship get:
- 6 months access to unlimited portfolio reviews by a seasoned online-work mentor.
- Professional review on any of the portfolio items they create.
- Detailed feedback on any items assigned as homework throughout the program OR when you are ready to apply for jobs such as blog posts, email newsletters, resumes, cover letters, and more!
This is important because:
- You boost your confidence, knowing you’re doing the coursework correctly.
- Get a better understanding of what online companies are looking for.
- You have a REAL person to get support from as you go through this program.
Having a portfolio mentor:
- Allows you to know EXACTLY what you’re doing right, where to make changes, and how to improve.
- They will send you comprehensive feedback on how to improve the items you’ve created and sent in for review.
When you start your online work journey for the first time, it’s hard to know if what you’re doing is what potential clients are looking for.
But you can rest assured that having that extra guidance from someone who has been in your shoes and knows what it takes to succeed will help you get to the level you need to be at.

2. VA Starter Pack
The VA Starter Pack can be a course in itself, but we’ve added it as a bonus for our 90 Day VA students.
It allows you to take your newly learned fancy VA skills and land the online job of your dreams.
It can sometimes be hard to bridge the gap between taking what you’ve learned from an online course and incorporating it into the real online work world – this is where I got you!
In the VA Starter Pack, I walk you through a step-by-step process on:
- How to network like a pro
- How to go from consultation call to a PAID GIG
- Taxes
- Health insurance
- Contracts
- Creating proposals
- Accounting basics
It even includes the ultimate pricing guide for virtual assistants where I cover how to calculate and set your prices, when to increase your prices, and pricing mistakes you can avoid.
By the time you work through this section of the course, you’re more than ready to hit the ground running and land those remote jobs!
The VA Starter Pack is filled with tons of helpful information and will answer any last questions you may have about getting your VA biz up and running.

3. Awesome Community
Have you ever joined a Facebook group hoping to connect with other awesome people, but when you post a question, you just get… crickets?
No one responds to you. You’re stressed out because you need help, and the community isn’t all that it’s hyped up to be?
I’ve been there too!
Community is EVERYTHING when you work online.
The reality of working remotely is that it can be fun some days and lonely on other days. You’re trying to figure things out on your own, and you’re wondering if anyone else feels the same as you.
Guess what? There are!
This is why I created my free Facebook group to help people like you connect with genuine people experiencing the same things you are.
With over 19,000 members and counting, people share jobs they find daily, networking with one another and referring each other to jobs they know someone else would excel at.
This is what I call a community.
The key is to engage and put yourself out there. Interact with people in the posts and comments. Give helpful feedback. You get what you put in.
For my 90 Day VA students, we have our private community (included when you sign up) where they’re helping each other out with assignments, keeping each other accountable, networking, and asking questions.
We also do live trainings where we bring in special guests to share more information about how you can improve your online work journey.
The team and I do monthly Q&A calls to answer any questions you may have as you work through the course or, in general, about working online.
Many of my students extend and stay past the 6-month membership because of the value they get from the private community!
You want to be in a group that gives you value, helps you to improve your work life, and is a space for you to connect with others feeling the same things you are.

4. Curated Job Postings
When you join my course, not only do I help you level up your skillset, but I ACTUALLY care that you land a job.
In both my free Facebook group and the Members-Only group, my team and I post legit online jobs EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
In the Members-Only group alone, we average around 20-30 jobs specifically for the students.
We vet every job and make sure they’re relevant to the skills you’ve already learned in my course.
Scams are everywhere, and it’s sometimes hard to know if a job you find online is legitimate or a scam.
This is why I’ve taken it upon myself to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.
I encourage my students to start applying as soon as they’ve worked their way through most of the course. The truth is you’re never going to feel ready, so you just have to go for it!
And when my team and I know what students are interested in, we tag them to make sure they don’t miss out on the opportunity.
The Virtual Assistant Internship community is so strong that our students also refer each other when they come across a job listing they know someone would be great at doing.
Not to mention the online job market is booming now more than ever! More and more businesses are turning to remote work, and they need YOUR help.
So, if you’re wondering if there are any jobs available? The answer is 1,000% YES!

I GENUINELY care about your well-being. I WANT you to live the life of YOUR DREAMS.
It is all very much possible, and I’m living proof of that.
90 Day VA has helped over 4,000 women (and men) to learn the skills they need to work remotely and LAND their dream job.
You can do this too!
If you want to learn more about 90 Day VA, check out my FREE masterclass. I cover everything you need to know to decide if virtual assisting is the right fit for you.
We’re open for enrollment all of May. Doors close after that and won’t open back up until October.
If you have any questions, let’s connect! You can DM me on Instagram too!
I hope to see you inside the course!