Having the freedom to work online from anywhere you want has never been so attractive.
I’m always getting tons of questions about how I started working online and about my program, 90 Day VA.
Especially now that the enrollment period is open (so excited 🥳🎊😆), so I wanted to address some of the most common questions in this blog post.
I started working online as a Virtual Assistant over seven years ago. And without hesitation, I can say that this experience changed mine and my family’s life. I have never felt more happy and satisfied in my life.
So, I have made it my mission to help as many people as possible to pursue their dream of creating a virtual career they love.
Your dream of working from home or anywhere you want while creating a sustainable income for yourself can become a REALITY!
That’s right. This is not another scam. And NO, I’m not here trying to convince you to sell some crap to your family and friends. This is for real. This could be your dream job!
So, for starters, what the heck is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?
There are billions of online businesses out there in all types of industries, and what is the one thing they all have in common?
They all need support behind the scenes!
Every business owner needs help completing specific tasks because they either can’t or don’t have the time.
A VA’s job could be something small like calendar and email management or proofreading to something a bit more challenging, such as market research or social media management.
Nowadays, businesses, especially online companies, no longer hire their support staff in the old traditional way. They don’t want to incur the extra cost for office space, rent, telephone, internet, and cleaning service, employees’ health insurance, etc.
Instead, they can hire people to work remotely from around the world and save a lot of money from these extra costs! It makes sense, right? This is the new thing!
So, in a nutshell, this is what a VA does; someone who assists and supports any online business virtually.
Through the below Q&As, I will shed some light on the main questions and any concerns you might have. Or maybe, you already have some experience and are still hesitant if you need any training to help you sharpen your skills.
Don’t worry; you are not the only one who doesn’t know where to begin and with loads of questions swirling around in your head.
When thinking about signing up for a new course, I always advise looking around, exploring the options, and asking questions.
So, without further ado, here are the 6 top FAQs (and my answers) to help you determine if 90 Day VA is the right fit for you:

#1: I don’t have a college degree or any experience in this field, nor am I tech-savvy. Will I be able to apply for VA jobs?
Well, I have good news for you, you don’t need any of that stuff to be able to become a VA (or anything for all that matters).
Long gone are the days you needed to break the bank to afford a college degree to acquire your dream job.
That is why I created the 90 Day VA program: to equip you with ALL the REQUIRED skills and tools that are requested, right now, to become a good VA.
My team and I post 40-60 legit jobs per day for our students only. You can practice what you learn in the course with the assignments given and create a portfolio of samples to show potential clients what you can do.
By the end of the course, not only will you have a certificate that shows that you have completed the program successfully, but you will also have an entire portfolio to prove that you know how to do it all!
And in reality, that is what hiring businesses need! They don’t need people with fancy degrees who don’t know what they’re talking about. Business owners want to hire people that know how to support them in the areas they need it most!
So bottom line, anyone can be a VA, and NO, there is no need to be tech-savvy or have a college degree and experience.
All you need is a laptop, smartphone, and basic computer skills (like how to operate Microsoft Office).
I teach you everything you need to know to get started as a virtual assistant from beginning to end.

#2: I already work a full-time job/student, or I’m a mom with kids. How can I incorporate 90 Day VA with my lifestyle?
The program is very flexible. Once you join, you get instant, lifetime access to the course with all the modules and resources.
That includes everything from video lessons to templates to future updates in the course.
You can work through the program as quickly or slowly as you like. If you want to complete the program in 90 days, you only need to dedicate 3 to 5 hours per week (including any homework). But I have students finishing sooner than that! Or they haven’t completed the course yet, and they already landed their first client.
You can make time after office hours, in between classes, or while the kids are napping.
But if you rather not, no problem, you can take all the time you want and finish it at your own pace. There’s no rush.
Once you enroll, you have access to all modules and resources FOREVER, so it’s really up to YOU!
#3: What happens after I finish the 90 Day VA program? How can I fit my virtual assistant job into my life?
Everybody is different, and it depends on your needs. You have the freedom to choose how many hours you want to commit.
You can easily apply for jobs that require you to work only 4 to 5 hours a week, depending on how much time you can dedicate. Or you can go full-time as a VA and replace your corporate/traditional job completely.
The best thing is that you can choose how many hours you want to work!
Some people have 2 to 3 clients that require them to work 5 hours each. Others have just one client and work full-time for them.
There are moms with newborn babies working only 10 to 20 hours a week, making a full-time income.
As a virtual assistant, you set your rate and ultimately make double or triple what you were making in a corporate job. That means you can work less but get paid more!
The options are endless. Many VA jobs are very flexible, so say goodbye to being tied to your desk from 9-to-5 every day.
The best part? You can align it with the kind of lifestyle you want to lead and make it work for you and for how your life is.
The majority of clients don’t care when you work as long as you complete the job. Does that sound like a crazy dream? Well, it’s not crazy. This is real life in the online industry!

#4: Can I become a VA if I’m not a native English speaker?
This is a common question, but don’t worry. You don’t need to be a native English speaker to work online as a VA.
Remember, the course is self-paced, so you can take as much time or as little as you need. Each lesson is presented in a video format with slides, pictures, and illustrations to help you understand the content better.
If you need to rewatch a specific module, then go for it!
You can rewind and play each module again if you have to or listen to it for as long as you need to understand the material.
And if you ever have questions or need some guidance, post in our members-only Facebook group. The students are always helping each other out and give you the extra push if you need it.
Do a self-assessment. If you know you’re not a strong writer, then don’t apply for that scriptwriting or blog writing job. There are TONS of other jobs that you can apply to as a non-native English speaker.
Some examples are:
- Video editing
- Podcast editing
- Accounting
- Web design
- Coding
- Graphic design
And these are just a few of the things that you can do instead.
We have students from all around the world.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, from all over Europe, South America, you name it! And all of them are working online as a VA. So don’t worry, you can do it too!

#5: How much money does a VA make?
Let’s talk about money, honey! My favorite topic.
The amount of money you make as a VA will vary. It depends on different variables like:
- Which part of the world you’re working from
- How many hours you’re doing each week (or month)
- What type of work you’re performing
If all you want to do is data entry, then the maximum you’ll earn is around $10 an hour. But that is not what we teach you in 90 Day VA!
My team and I share so many jobs each week with minimum pay of $15 an hour.
The purpose of my 90 Day VA program is not to get you stuck in another crappy job; it’s to teach you the skills and tools that businesses are using and need TODAY.
This program is all about teaching you the necessary skills to find a job doing something you’re passionate about! Who is passionate about data entry? I know I’m not!
So it does depend on the type of work performed. But as a rough estimate, a VA with minimal skills can earn around $10-15 an hour.
However, if you have training from a program like 90 Day VA, you can quickly start earning $15/20 an hour. Then, after 6 to 12 months of experience, you’re likely to go up to $30 or even $40/50 an hour.
Video and Podcast Editors can make bank! Especially if that’s the area, you decide to niche in. I teach you the basics of what you need to start offering it as a service.
However, technology is constantly changing, so it’s up to you to continue learning new skills and keep yourself up to date.
Once you’ve acquired enough experience, then that’s when you can start charging the big bucks or apply for higher-end jobs.
The beauty of the online industry is you don’t have to kiss anyone’s ass (excuse my french) for a 14-cent increase an hour or pray that someone gives you a promotion after so many years.
I’m not doing that anymore, and neither should you!
The world is changing. People are starting to work online, charging for their services, getting rewarded for learning more skills, and being recognized for doing a good job!
There are opportunities for everyone, no matter where you start!

#6: Why choose the 90 Day VA program instead of the many other VA programs out there?
90 Day VA is my proprietary system of skills training. You can’t find it anywhere else because I created it based on my experience of being a VA.
The course is full of the top-requested skills that clients need. Skills that booked me out when I started this online career and continue to book out all of our students.
My team and I always keep the syllabus up to date with the hottest and top skills required right now in the online work industry!
So, what makes my students so successful? Here are 4 reasons:
1. Content Repurposing
Content Repurposing is one of the core skills I teach in 90 Day VA, and nobody else is teaching it.
So, what exactly is content repurposing?
Content repurposing is the ability to convert a single piece of content into multiple pieces of content.
This could be a 10-minute FB live video turned into a written blog post, social media posts, email newsletter, podcast, IGTV, or even a reel!
It’s a hugely effective way for businesses to grow and nurture their audiences and convert followers into customers.
But it’s time-consuming, which is why so many business owners want to hire a VA to help them out. This is where you come in with your fresh and newly learned skills!
2. Building Your Portfolio as You Go Along
After each module, I give you homework assignments that you can use to build your portfolio and share with potential clients.
By the time you’ve finished the course, you have some fantastic portfolio samples to show for it!
3. Networking and Legit Daily Job Postings
The 90 Day VA program has an incredible community of people from all over the world.
Every student is embarking on a similar journey, ready to encourage and support each other, answer questions, and keep each other motivated.
In the Members Club alone, my team and I share 40-60 job postings per day with minimum pay of $15-$20 per hour! And they’re jobs that you qualify for because you’ve learned the necessary skills.
4. Comprehensive Course Curriculum
Not only do I teach you everything you need to know to get started as a virtual assistant, but you have unlimited access to ALL of the modules and any updates I make to the course. So you can ensure that you’ll be up-to-date on the latest and greatest skills and tools out there.
When you sign up for the course, you also get immediate access to our members-only Facebook group and can join our monthly Q&A calls and what I like to call ‘Get Shiz Done’ calls.
I’m all about providing accountability, supporting you in this journey, and answering any questions you may have that come up as you work through the course.
Last but certainly not least, when you sign up for 90 Day VA, you also get access to the VA Starter Pack (which should technically be a course in itself).
It has everything you need to get you going, including contract templates, how to get paid, handling health insurance, how to land a paying gig, and so much more!

The bottom line is that anyone can do this!
The laptop lifestyle is the best way to make a sustainable income by working in the area you want to work in and live wherever you want to live.
Success is individual, and you can decide what it looks like for you! If you’re not happy with your life right now, YOU CAN CHANGE IT.
I hope that through this blog, I was able to answer some of your main concerns. If you want to learn more about becoming a VA, you can check out my FREE course. It’ll help you decide if the VA life is right for you.
If you want to take the plunge, we open for enrollment every year in January, May, and October.
I can’t wait to see you on the other side!

In 90 Day VA, Esther teaches her students how to research and repurpose current content into blogs for the VAI website. Dinah is the student we’ve chosen this week to feature what she’s learned in the course. Get to know her:

Dinah is a virtual assistant who specializes in content creation.
She’s a member of 90 Day VA and when she’s not helping her clients with blogging and social media management, she loves to travel and explore different countries and cultures.
For more information about Dinah and her adventures click here.