You have finally made the leap and joined over 3,500 women (and men!) in pursuit of their dream laptop life with 90 Day VA. I am SO excited for you!
And if you’re not part of the program yet, maybe you are seriously thinking of joining the virtual work movement. Either way, you might be wondering what your life would look like as a 90 Day VA student.
As with anything in life, change can seem intimidating because of the uncertainty it brings. You may have many questions and doubts running through your head as you start, or as you think about starting. Fortunately, we have been through it all.
Here are 10 tips on how to be successful as a new student in the program.

1. Create a Realistic Schedule for Yourself
Unless you live in a vacuum, you probably have a lot of other responsibilities aside from doing the course work – a day job, taking care of your kids, family responsibilities, house chores, or all of the above. Everyone is different!
Consider all of the factors in your daily life and create a schedule. Dedicate a block of time to work through each module in the 90 Day VA course.
We recommend two hours at a time so that you can watch a video or two and have time for the homework.
Aside from creating a schedule and sticking to it – let your family, friends, or roommates know too. This is important so that they know when NOT to disturb you.
2. Use the Course Syllabus as Your Guide
While figuring out your schedule, use the 90 Day VA course syllabus as your guide. The syllabus outlines each module, the length of the video, and the topics covered. That way, you’ll be able to plan out your schedule more precisely.
Take a look at the syllabus and plug in the specific modules in the time you have dedicated to the course. This will give you a clear picture of your goals, and you can tick off each accomplishment as you work through it.
NOTE – We recommend to print out the syllabus and put it up on your wall for easy reference!
3. Do the Homework Assignments
Like anything, you get what you put into the course, which is why you should not skip out on submitting the homework at the end of each module. You should do the assignments first, BEFORE proceeding to the next one. Here’s why:
- You can use the homework after each module as a portfolio piece. Your portfolio is what you will send to people when applying for jobs. No portfolio (or resume)? No job. It’s as simple as that.
- You want to apply what you’re learning to an actual assignment. Not only will this make you more comfortable when you take on a new client, but it will give you the confidence boost you need to know that you can do this kind of work. Which, you obviously can!
Don’t put off all of the homework until the end of the course. It’s best to practice what you learn as you learn it.

4. Be Aware of Procrastination
Everyone experiences procrastination, but I see it a lot with my students because they feel unconfident that they cannot do the work. Let me tell you now – it’s just not true. You can do this!
Procrastination can show up in several ways:
“I don’t have any experience working online, so it’s not like I’ll find a job right away anyway. I’ll apply to those jobs later.”
“I’ve been putting off the blogging module homework because I’ve never done this before, and I’m not good at it.”
“I really need to start making money, so I’ll apply for those jobs today and work on my portfolio tomorrow.”
Procrastination is the ultimate roadblock. And honestly, it’s our brain’s way of keeping us safe! We think, “oh, I can’t do the thing, so I’ll do it later.” But instead, we’re stressing over it until it’s complete. Then when we do it, we’re surprised at how easy it was.
Sometimes you need to ask yourself things like:
- Why am I procrastinating?
- What is holding me back from doing this thing?
Trust me. I totally get it. I still have days like this, but it’s a work in progress, and you, my friend, can do it too. This is why you’ll find mindset modules sprinkled throughout the course. Changing your mindset doesn’t happen overnight, but a little progress goes a long way.
5. You Have to Commit
You’ve already figured out a doable schedule for your 90 Day VA coursework. Now, stick to it!
You don’t have to be on “90 Day VA mode” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – this is unrealistic. To help rid yourself of any distractions, focus solely on the module you are currently working on. You can schedule mini-breaks when needed but get back to it when your time is up.
6. Do the Work!
Just in case you didn’t catch on the first time, here’s another reminder for you because THIS IS HOW YOU SUCCEED.
The truth is that you won’t get a job JUST by joining 90 Day VA. You have to put in the work! No training will ever be effective unless you practice what you learn and apply them in real-life scenarios.
My program was created to set you up with the most in-demand skills in the online world right now.
My team and I also share exclusive job postings each month in the members-only Facebook group to help jumpstart your online career with these exact skills.
Work through the stresses, struggles, and frustrations because no doubt, they will come. But this is ALLLL part of it, my friend. These are the things that will train you to be a stronger and more resilient virtual assistant.

7. Participate in Our Private, Members-Only Community!
The members-only Facebook group is the heart of the 90 Day VA program. There are people at different levels of their VA journey in the group. Some have been VAs for years and can offer sound advice based on their experiences. Others are just getting started and have no experience whatsoever.
What’s great about the group is that some of our members will pass along job opportunities that maybe they didn’t have time for, or they’ll share jobs they see in other groups with fellow members.
Our private community is also a great place for you to connect with other people doing the same things and ask questions that maybe you’re unsure about.
You can also use the Facebook group’s search function to look for answers related to anything from portfolio homework to the best VA tools or mindset challenges to advice for applying to jobs.
Whenever you feel stuck, the community is a great resource for you to find the advice, motivation, and virtual hugs you need to make it through. Sometimes, it’s just comforting to know that other people are going through the same challenges.
Another great thing about our members-only group is when our students share their wins (big or small)! You’ll quickly find that you have an entire community behind you celebrating your success!
8. Learn from Each Other
The members-only Facebook group is also where students post their homework for feedback from other community members.
The group’s Units tab has been organized in such a way so that you can post your assignment per module. So, once you’ve completed that module, you do the homework, and then you upload it to the group so others can give you the necessary feedback you need to improve your work.
If you want to get a little fancier, you can check out our other option to work with a dedicated mentor who will offer you one-on-one feedback for your entire portfolio.
Remember, all the hard work you are putting into the assignments can be used to build a portfolio that will showcase your skills when you apply for jobs.
And while you’re waiting to get feedback on your work – be proactive and do the same on someone else’s work. Help your fellow students by providing constructive criticism. (Don’t be that person asking for feedback, and then you’re like, byeeee!) Feedback can include typos, paragraph spacing, use of images, etc.
9. Dig Deep and Trust In Yourself
Learning a whole new set of skills and launching into an online career can seem scary. There will be days when you think that you should just quit. And although it’s not always easy because you DO have to put in the work, it’s possible.
You have to dig inside and believe in yourself. You are the one who has to choose to step up and show up for your future.
10. Don’t Stop. Keep Going.
The only difference between a successful and non-successful student in 90 Day VA is that the successful one did not give up.
Just read some of the amazing stories our students have experienced and who were able to find success as virtual assistants through this program.
They are not any more special than you. Sometimes, listening to other people’s journeys of how they got started is the spark you need to inspire you to do the same.
Once you become a member of 90 Day VA and you join our private Facebook community, you’ll get the chance to read about students finding their dream jobs, landing their first client, and tips and tricks they learned along the way.
It’s important to remember, though, that each person is on their own path. You can’t compare your journey to someone else’s. There are SO many factors to consider.
Whenever you encounter a roadblock, take a deep breath and keep at it. Keep working on your portfolio, keep applying for the jobs despite any rejections. Don’t give up, and you will be successful in the long run.

I hope these tips to guarantee your success as a student in 90 Day VA are helpful. If a course like this is something you’ve been considering – go for it! Even if you don’t feel ready. There are so many opportunities waiting for you on the other side.
If you are ready to become a virtual assistant and kick-start your online career, you can enroll here.
I can’t wait to see you succeed, find an online job (or more), and be part of the #firstclientclub!

Reina is a virtual assistant here to help entrepreneurs, influencers, and businesses focus on the bigger picture while taking the smaller things off their plates.
When she’s not helping entrepreneurs and influencers, she loves to cuddle up with a good book, listen to podcasts, watch KDramas, and do yoga. She also loves learning about how to be a better advocate for the earth by living a more sustainable life.
She’s a member of 90 Day VA and assists with everything from content creation, social media management, and blog writing to data presentation and transcription.