You’re finally doing it. You have always wanted to work remotely. Maybe you want to travel, stay home with your kids, or maybe you’re just tired of that ridiculous commute.
Whatever it is, you’re ready. You have the skills and you found the perfect remote job. What are you waiting for? Fill out the application and chase your dreams, girlfriend!
But not so fast!
Applying to any job without thoughtful preparation is a surefire way to have your resume overlooked. Nobody wants to be stuck in their cubicle longer than necessary. So before you hit submit, make sure to do these 3 things so that you can finally land that remote gig!

1. Revamp that Resume
For the love of all that is good in the remote-work-freelancing-contracting-boss-babe world, please do not send in your black and white, 12-point, Times New Roman font, resume that you made for your high school career fair.
If you want to get hired for a remote job, you’re going to have to stand out! A great way to do this is with a resume that pops. Canva is a free resource that has some great templates you can use – but make it your own!
Don’t get too crazy with it. Use 2 or 3 colors maximum and make sure the font is easy to read. The hiring manager will not pursue you any further if he or she can’t read your qualifications.
Customize your resume for each job you apply to. You might be the perfect fit for several jobs, so your resume should be customized for each one. Use the same terminology in the job description to describe your skills and highlight your relevant experience.
If you need more help with your resume, check out our Remote Resume Blueprint! This is a super affordable way to get all of the tips and tools you need to kick your resume into high-gear and start working remotely.
2. Expect the… Expected
Sure, the way we work and apply for jobs has changed drastically over the last few decades (let’s all take a moment to be thankful that pantyhose and pencil skirts on the daily are a thing of the past), but the process of hiring – at its core – really hasn’t.
Anticipate what the hiring manager will need from you throughout the process and make it simple for them.
- Think they might ask for references? Have a list of names and contact information on file so that you can provide it quickly.
- Pretty sure they will offer you an interview? Go ahead and let them know the days and times that work best for you. No one likes going back and forth via email.
- Will they want to see samples of your work? Include a link to your portfolio in your resume.
Consider everything they may ask you for and have it ready to go. I dive more into detail near the end of this VAI video interview. You can also check out the blog to find out more about how to stand out from the competition when applying online.
3. Scrub That Social
Okay, so you don’t have to scrub it, but make sure it’s presentable. Whether you’re applying for a remote position as an employee at a big company or as a freelancer working with an entrepreneur, you can bet that whoever is making the hiring decision is going to look at your social media accounts.
You’ll want to clean things up, and we’re not just talking about anything that might be offensive. You need to make your personal social media pages somewhat professional.
Use a profile picture that clearly shows your face. You don’t necessarily need a professional headshot – a photo of you and your family or significant other will do the job. Make sure that your face is visible and smiling and that you have good light.
Another great thing to do is to update your “about me” section with relevant, current, and professional information. The person hiring you is looking at your social media to find out more about you, so don’t feel like you need to sugarcoat things and make it 100%, business-oriented. Just make sure it shows your best self!
The tips above apply to all public posts on all social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all of them. You can find out more about how you can use social media to your advantage when working online in this blog post!

Get It, Girl!
You are going to rock this remote job application! It can be scary to pursue something new, especially remote work (which is somewhat new for everybody), but it is definitely worth it!
With a little preparation to make your application relevant, unique, and professional, you’ll be working remotely in no time.
Just think – you could be working from the beach, a cafe, your home, or the airport with just your laptop! It’s time to start a life you love while making a living at the same time.
So if you’re ready to land the remote job of your dreams, check out our Remote Resume Blueprint where you will learn how to stand out from the competition and show off your expertise. You can also sign up for our Weekly Remote Job Pack where we send out a full list of companies looking to hire someone like you. So, get out there and make your dream a reality!